
bee theft Learn more about bee theft

  • How to solve the problem of bee theft in Chinese bee breeding?

    How to solve the problem of bee theft in Chinese bee breeding?

    Chinese bees have a good sense of smell and are prone to bee theft. If they are not controlled in time, they will not only cause disorder in the whole field, but also consume feed and lose colonies. Then how to solve and prevent these phenomena? Let's take a look at it together. 1. Beekeeping ground

    2020-11-11 Chinese bee breeding occurrence bee theft phenomenon should how solve
  • What problems should beekeeping pay attention to in winter? Preventing bee theft is the key!

    What problems should beekeeping pay attention to in winter? Preventing bee theft is the key!

    Honeybee is a social insect, and its life changes with the alternation of seasons, so winter management is the key point of keeping honeybees. The quality of winter management is related to the success or failure of bees overwintering, as well as the reproduction speed and production efficiency of the Spring Festival.

    2020-11-11 Winter beekeeping to pay attention to what problems pre - anti-theft bees yes
  • Late autumn hundred flowers fall beekeeping overwintering busy late autumn beekeeping points for attention

    Late autumn hundred flowers fall beekeeping overwintering busy late autumn beekeeping points for attention

    Late autumn hundred flowers fall beekeeping overwintering busy late autumn beekeeping points for attention

  • The situation of bee theft

    The situation of bee theft

    In the honeybee active season, when there is a lack of honey sources, some bees often invade the nests of other groups and rob them of their honey. A small number of stolen bees invade the stolen group, return to their original nest full of honey, and report to the same group of bees to steal together. Most of the stolen groups are weak, sick and kingless, and their queen bees are often assassinated and their honey storage is stolen. Once the stolen bees are successful, they expand to steal other neighboring colonies; the dead bees in front of the stolen colonies are messy, not only the colony weakens, the queen bee is killed, the honey storage is stolen, but the stolen bees are also the disseminators of infectious diseases.

  • Feeding techniques, living habits and management points of Chinese bees

    Feeding techniques, living habits and management points of Chinese bees

    The breeding technology of the center is also known as the Chinese honeybee. It has existed for thousands of years in our country. Wild Chinese bees mainly live in the mountain and hilly areas where there are more Rain Water, moist air and honey and pollen plants. Windbreak in tree caves, under cliffs, rock crevices, soil caves, etc.

    2020-11-08 Chinese bee breeding technology life habits and management
  • Watch the bees outside the box and know the inside of the box.

    Watch the bees outside the box and know the inside of the box.

    Honeybees are social insects and prefer a stable and quiet environment. When raising in captivity, it is inevitable to check bees out of the box due to the needs of production. However, if the box is opened too much and too frequently, it is bound to affect the stability of the colony, and may even cause the colony to escape because of disobedience to "soil and water". At room temperature, several bees stand at the door of the nest, do not bite the door, do not flap their wings, do not crawl with each other, and only give a little "care" to the entry and exit bees, or follow them slightly; the worker bees enter and exit the sun, and carry on alternately one after another; the flying bees, or big belly, or two legs stick.

  • Organization and management of mating wasps

    Organization and management of mating wasps

    The mating colony organizes mating for the small colony that the new queen bee lives, either on the 10th day after the removal or the 7th day after the king platform is sealed. To organize the mating group, you must first prepare the trunk. The standard beehive can be closely divided into 3 or 4 small areas with 2 or 3 gates. Each community can hold 2-3 nests and spleen, and open 1-3 mm long and 8 mm wide nest doors in different directions. The wall of the box in front of each nest is painted with different colors such as yellow, blue and white, so that the queen bee can identify her own hive. Put a box seal with baby bees in each district of the trunk.

  • What are the species of bees suitable for breeding in our country? Notes for novice beekeeping!

    What are the species of bees suitable for breeding in our country? Notes for novice beekeeping!

    When it comes to bees, many people think of hard work, but in fact, the greatest role of bees is to produce honey. Rural areas rely on mountains and water, and the natural environment is very suitable for the development of beekeeping industry, and many areas also raise bees. Succeed in getting rich.

    2020-11-27 Suitable for our country breeding bees species which novice
  • A detailed explanation of the key points of high-yield culture techniques of Chinese honeybee

    A detailed explanation of the key points of high-yield culture techniques of Chinese honeybee

    Judging from the current situation, many bee farmers still use the traditional Chinese honeybee breeding technology, which also hinders the high yield of honeybees. Here is a detailed explanation of the key points of high-yield breeding techniques of Chinese honeybee. I. the present situation of Chinese honeybee culture, also known as Chinese honeybee

    2020-11-11 China honeybees high yield culture techniques key points detailed explanation from at present
  • When will the honey be taken? How do I get it?

    When will the honey be taken? How do I get it?

    Beekeeping is for honey, but the bees are not kept well, there are not enough honey flowers, there may be no honey, and even feed is needed to keep the bees alive. When will the honey be ready? How do I get it? When will the honey be taken? 1. Honey season:

    2020-11-11 Honey when how take beekeeping yes for
  • The knowledge of harvesting honey in autumn

    The knowledge of harvesting honey in autumn

    Beekeeping must collect honey scientifically in order to obtain higher yield. the methods of collecting honey are introduced as follows: 1 the honey collection time can be put forward only when the honey spleen seal is more than 1 up to 2. Because when the honey is not covered, the honey is not yet mature, and the water content has not been ruled out to the appropriate water content. If the honey is taken at this time, the honey is easy to ferment and sour and cannot be stored for a long time. The best time to take honey is 3 ~ 4 days before the end of the nectar period, take off most of the honey spleen covered in the relay box and move it to the honey collecting room and separate it at once.

  • Preparation method of bee feed

    Preparation method of bee feed

    Non-polluting alternative raw materials are selected to make bee feed as follows: 1. Sucrose (white sugar) is used to make substitute feed. The white syrup can be used to feed the bees directly, and the appropriate use time is: when overwintering, sucrose should be stopped 3 days before the last batch of lids leave the room. The advantage of this is that the overwintering feed in the nest has been transformed, but the overwintering age bees did not participate in making honey, so it can maintain the activity and energy of bees and prolong the life span of bees. two。 Syrup is used to make alternative feed. Added by sucrose (brown sugar cannot be used, the same below)

  • Books on Bee farming Technology

    Books on Bee farming Technology

    Bee farming technology books mainly introduce beekeeping techniques to guide farmers to get started quickly. It generally includes beekeeping site selection, bee colony placement, bee colony management and hibernation management and so on. This kind of related books can be found in bookstores and shopping platforms.

    2020-11-11 Bees breeding techniques books bees medium
  • Bees breeding you ask me to answer-how to divide bees artificially?

    Bees breeding you ask me to answer-how to divide bees artificially?

    Artificial bee division refers to the extraction of honey powder spleen, son spleen and adult spleen to form a new colony. After artificial distribution of bees, to the main flow of honey.

  • Honeybee breeding technology

    Honeybee breeding technology

    The breeding beehive should have good permeability, keep the beehive constant temperature, no stagnant water and moderate temperature, and no holes and cracks. In order to ensure the purity of bee species, we should try to keep their own species as far as possible. The right amount of pollen needs to be fed during culture, especially in breeding.

    2020-11-11 Bees breeding techniques breeding beehives must have good pass
  • What should novice bees pay attention to? Common mistakes of beginners in stocktaking

    What should novice bees pay attention to? Common mistakes of beginners in stocktaking

    Honey has always been loved by people, so many farmers are raising bees. With the price of honey rising, more and more people begin to raise bees, so what should novice bees pay attention to? Common mistakes made by beginners in stocktaking. 1. One box of double kings

    2020-11-11 Novice breeding bees to pay attention to what inventory common mistakes
  • Bee breeding technology

    Bee breeding technology

    Breeding environment: small hills or mountains with trees should be selected, hives should not have cracks and holes, hives should be about 50cm above the ground. Selection of bee species: the adaptability of bee species varies from place to place, so it is recommended to keep a good seed to ensure the purity of bee species. feed

    2020-11-08 bees farming techniques abstract farming environment should select have
  • It is necessary to prevent bee pesticide poisoning in autumn

    It is necessary to prevent bee pesticide poisoning in autumn

    After entering the autumn, the external honey sources gradually decreased, and the bee colony management gradually shifted from the production of bee products such as royal jelly and honey to the preparation of bee colony overwintering, especially the beekeepers who were transferred to other places from September to prepare for the overwintering of bee colony. Raised in recent years

    2020-11-08 Autumn need prevention bees pesticides poisoning entering autumn
  • Do you know how many taboos there are in raising bees?

    Do you know how many taboos there are in raising bees?

    Beekeeping is a good choice now. Because the market price of honey is also higher. But bees are not that easy to raise. Do you know how many taboos there are in raising bees? Next, let the editor of take you to know about it. First, do not

    2020-11-11 Breeding bees there are several taboos you you know beekeeping in
  • How much is the queen bee?

    How much is the queen bee?

    How much is the queen bee?
